The electoral map for the 2020 election, based on populations from the 2010 Census.

Can you predict the outcome of the 2020 election?

Rani Yadav-Ranjan


On November 3, 2020, citizens of the United States of America will vote on the 59th presidential election. Voters will elect a new presidential or re-elect the current Presidents.

The Presidential Election campaign run from December 2019 to November 2020. To qualify to run as a candidate as the President of the United States under Article 2 of the US Constitution, he/she must be 35 years of age and a natural born citizen of the United States.

Polls have the ability to predict outcomes of elections, but a more important function of the polls is to assess issues that are important to each voter, in each party, and on the national scale. Among other things, opinion polls explain which issues are important, and how the candidate influences the decision-making of voters, and how much support is given to the candidates’ specific policy change or legislation. However, there are many reasons why polls do not accurately predict measure the impact of an election on voting behavior. The following are some of the most common reasons:

1) they do not provide a clear picture election outcome,

2) they do not provide a clear picture of the overall electorate’s attitude toward an election, and

3) the results of the election are not consistent with previous polls.

Public opinion polls with public themes from the president’s approval and sport forecasts are still ongoing, but still very important to conduct election and elections. The number of surveys offers the media coverage of other media outlets and the pre-election news feeds, which are the basis of changing the behavior of candidates and voters, and explaining the value of the election results.

In addition to the influence of social networks, traditional feeling of voters are easily manipulated, while more young voters scour blog sites for information. Social media activities can be used to predict election outcomes. However, many companies/campaigns have used social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and other platforms to predict election results. People think that these social networking platforms see the views and opinions of political leaders during elections to their peril, as seen in 2016.

4PIA is a social platform that allows users to share their thoughts and ideas with their elected representatives and give feedback on issues on which they feel strongly. The 4PIA platform is designed to give citizens a voice. 4PIA helps voters express themselves by recording and sending a video message on any topic they want and communicate with the representative and senator of their choice at will.

Nowadays, apart from opinion polls, social media can also come in handy in predicting election result. The recent major political events, namely the US Presidential Election, was also predicted correctly by using AI driven analysis of social media by 4PIA.

It is no surprise that candidates of the US presidential election are taking great care because potential use of AI driven tools, to achieve results are not surprising. The prediction of the election results is based on a combination of data mining techniques and machine learning algorithms in order to find out what will be the best possible outcome for each candidate.

You read the news and remember that the presidential election is coming. Based on the predicted model, your AI assistant recommends that you vote for the Democratic Party taking into account your previous views from your state and other voters’ data. The pop-up message asks the mobile phone if you want the AI assistant to do the paperwork and vote on your behalf. Click “Agree” to continue your life.

Democratic voters do not know about the 2020 party opportunity. Half of the Democratic Party believe they will win their next presidential election, but 41 percent believe it is unbelievable and 10 percent think that Trump will be re-elected. 49% answered that they do not know who will win in 2020. Democrats think that almost one-third (31%) think Trump will win. The majority of Republicans say they have no idea what’s going to happen in November.

To accurately predict outcomes like focus groups, consider voting in elections and asking people about their thoughts and intentions. In the case of the presidential election, accurate predictions are very valuable. The result is that it affects the global economy, corporate budgets, and industries from healthcare to utilities. 4PIAs’ users are actively voting on the social media feed of members of Congress. These votes tally up to show a wide-open campaign in 2020.

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Rani Yadav-Ranjan

Innovator, hiker, political hobbyist and telecommunications enthusiast. all opinions are my own.